About Daniel Milnor

Daniel Milnor spent twenty-five-years as a full-time photographer but is currently “Creative Evangelist” for Blurb, Inc. the world’s premiere print-on-demand publishing platform.  He splits his time between the smog-choked arteries of Southern California and the spiritual landscape of New Mexico where he’s been known to hike, paddle, climb, ski, ride and explore all the spaces in between. Milnor is a complete and total nonbeliever in social media and feels these platforms have done irreparable damage to human communication skills and attention span while unleashing a level of consumerism the planet simply cannot survive.

Show Notes

Why have simple equipment?

    1. It’s less expensive
    2. It’s less to carry
    3. Lot’s of equipment gives you less access
    4. The less you have, the more you think about the images
    5. You’ll be more consistent


Five versions of my equipment:

    1. Camera (50mm lens) and a notebook
    2. Camera (50mm lens), notebook and a audio recorder
    3. Camera (50mm lens), notebook, audio recorder, and a vlog camera
    4. Camera (50mm lens), notebook, audio recorder, vlog camera, and an extra camera
    5. Camera (50mm lens), notebook, audio recorder, vlog camera, extra camera, and a drone