Quotes From Marc

“First: Don’t take it seriously, but have fun. Fall into the joy of learning to express yourself better and more effectively as a photographer.”

“Let’s be clear here that “creativity” and “art” apply broadly across all of life not just to “artistic” activities. Don’t think of it as being segmented into small slices of your life or day, instead look for the many ways to use your imagination to “form out of nothing” with the end view of having produced a creative result, with emotional power.”

“The most common misconception is that there are certain people that have a predisposition to creativity. I personally feel that anybody could be creative and very successfully creative if they opened themselves to the possibility of that. I think that it lies within anybody to create in any aspect of their lives. They just have to consider that to be possible and then it just opens up a whole world.”

“It’s not about ‘HAVING’ time. It’s about making time. If it matters, you will make time.”

“A big excuse for not following your passion is being too tired. You’re tired, but, you need to overcome it—push yourself through it and get into some activity, not go the other direction and grab a beer and veg out even more.”