About Pye Jirsa

Pye Jirsa is a director, photographer and educator. Founder and Partner of Lin and Jirsa Photography, a boutique Southern California wedding and portrait photography studio, and SLR Lounge, a photography education website, Pye devotes his time to helping photographers develop their shooting and business skills.

Show Notes

  • Take photos of the people you love.
  • Use the moments that happen every day to create photos.
  • You can use after buying new clothes for kids to take pictures while the clothes are clean.
  • You can take your skills in one genre and use it in another.
  • The difference between a good camera and a good photographer is the ability to direct.
  • Being aware of composition is a big difference between a professional photographer and an amateur.
  • Journaling is a powerful tool to help you prepare for a shoot.
  • It can take 30 minutes to plan out ahead of a shoot how you can map out the many uses you can gain from the shoot.

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