About The Show

Finding your passion in your art is critically important. Art is communication, and the way to communicate something meaningful is for you to be excited about your message. Finding something that gets you excited to go out and spread your message. We will be discussing how to follow your passion in photography and communicate your important message.

Show Notes

Definition of Passion

  1. Strong and barely controllable emotion.
  2. An intense desire or enthusiasm for something.

Oxford Dictionary

Life Lessons

These were some of my life-lessons from this experience.

  1. My protests and urge to flee the misery of high school prison didn’t get me out, in fact I was more trapped and cut off than ever.
  2. Light began to dawn only when I stopped trying to escape and began to research and really look at my options.
  3. Tapping into the purpose to help others was what finally opened all the doors; even the principal couldn’t say no.
  4. I learned that I had to work much, much harder for this taste of freedom. In high school I was loafing along, ninety percent asleep. In Mexico it was raw manual labor from dawn to dusk; cutting trees, making adobe, lifting , carrying, sawing, trying to speak a language that I so sloppily tossed off back in school. But this hard work made me strong mentally, physically, and spiritually.
  5. I was rewarded immensely by capturing some of my best photographic work and finding a new level of creativity.
  6. And finally, I learned problems were solvable, not by running away  but by looking for a real solution. I was only able to realize this after I had decided to work on a higher purpose-to help the people of this remote region of Mexico.`

Steps to Find Your Passion

Dedicate your notebook to this!

  1. Look for others’ work that inspires you.
  2. Look for your “Strong and barely controllable emotion.”
  3. Visualize your story, feel it, breathe it live it!
  4. Now go out and capture it!
  5. Look at your images and compare to previous steps.
  6. Go out and do it again!
  7. Post in AYP Club and Instagram and tell us your story!

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Henri Cartier-Bresson

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