About Deanne Fitzmaurice

As a Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial and commercial photographer, San Francisco-based Deanne Fitzmaurice is most known for her unique ability to go behind the scenes to discover and convey personal, intimate and emotional stories through images. Fitzmaurice, a Nikon Ambassador, is an assignment photographer with publications including Sports Illustrated, ESPN, National Geographic and many other respected outlets. Deanne has also partnered with foundations and non-profits including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Lucile Packard Foundation. Deanne’s commercial clients include Apple, Nike, Google and Facebook.

Show Notes

  • Building relationships with people is key.
  • Photojournalism, Documentary, and Street photography are often interchangeable and overlapping, though do tend to lend themselves to particular kinds of projects:
    • Documentary tends to lend itself to longer term projects.
    • Photojournalists tend to lend themselves to assignments and journalistic ethics.
    • Street photography tends to be walking the streets and seeing what unfolds.
  • When you look at the scene in front of you, look at potential foregrounds and backgrounds.
  • Spending time in a location can help you become invisible.
  • Sometimes you can take an assignment that calls to you, and sometimes you can find a project and pitch it to turn it into an assignment.
  • You have to care about the projects you want to document if you want others to care.
  • Don’t rush a photo, spending time on a photo can help you make a photo you think will be great even better.
  • If you need to take better photos, put yourself in front of more interesting situations.

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Henri Cartier-Bresson

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