Jeff Flindt Shoots the Curl– Again

Ken “Skindog” Collins at the “Hook” near Santa Cruz

Jeff Flindt– Senior Staff Photog for Surfing Magazine, sent me an email last Thursday that he was here is Santa Cruz to get the south swell that was coming in–and indeed he did as you can see here.  BTW the guys on these waves are big wave legends. I talked to Jeff a couple of times a over the weekend,  just between shoots–he is totally dedicated to getting the shots and works for it. “Gotta go get in the water!” As he hung up and grabbed his gear to get these shots. Also of note when he called he was at Ano Nuevo near a seal breading area and  a favorite snacking spot for the Great White sharks. Yes Jeff is dedicated to his craft!

To get more insight in his approach,  be sure to check out my show with Jeff here. 

Jason “Ratboy” Collins at the “Hook” near Santa Cruz

Ps: Managed to get out yesterday to catch passel of waves with my son Ian–we were both stoked to surf into the late afternoon, that’s what it’s all about…

Marc Silber:

View Comments (2)

  • Nice that you're back out there! How was it?

    I love that second shot....that's amazing!!!!

  • Nice that you're back out there! How was it?

    I love that second shot....that's amazing!!!!